pardon me, I'm recovering from an emotional car crash
Touching base & transforming the trauma of being human into art
Part One. Touching base.
Thank you for your prayers, emotional support and financial contributions to my wellbeing. We are alright! Our house and land was undamaged and all our people and animals are ok. And I hate using the word '“ok.”
But it fits in this context.
”Ok” to me means- we’re in it, we’re coping. We’re doing our best, and it’s been hard.
The collective trauma is real, on so many levels.
The strength and resilience of the Appalachian people is so strong.
Those who have lived here for generations as well as the souls whom have migrated here possess the fortitude and depth to address the immense task of rebuilding homes, businesses, livelihoods and communities as well as tending to the spiritual reawakening of this beautiful land.
May we re-create our human doings in alignment with the highest potential of our evolution,
In-formed by cosmic intelligence and Gaia! In service of all our relations.
Part Two. My Invitation to us all.
Feel your feelings. Dive into the lake, you scaly beast. Take your inner child’s hand and courageously walk the path before you.
Samhain approaches and this “witches’ new year,” is paired with the Scorpio New Moon, creating a portal of radical new beginnings in a cycle within a cycle of new Eras. We are so small, we cannot see the vastness, yet we sense that the Universe is sentient as we re.member who we are. Let us trust the grand intelligence like we’ve never done before.
Deep Scorpionic Magic is available to us now. Death. Birth. Death. Rebirth…
I have 3 planets in Scorpio- Mars, Saturn and Pluto. I’m up to my ass in the great rewrite of my story, and I am taking this time to purge any personalities that are no longer serving me to fall away, making space for the grand adventure of what is to come. I feel the grating, raw, unraveling of what was and know by now that as I tend to that process, the light gets revealed. Nurturing becomes first priority.
Here’s some music you might want to listen to during this portal.
I’ll let you know what will come of the next evolution of Wishcraft, the recordings of the live shows from the Anamnesis Tour, and the next album as these creatures reveal themselves to me.
I’m holding you on the altar of my heart through this massive transition, and sending you strength from my guides to yours.