Welcome to Work in Progress
a place for creators dedicated to art as a source of self liberation
I am a work in progress in a participatory universe. I am devoted to my art as a spiritual channel, practicing the tools of wordcraft, song and embodiment to reveal the truth of my soul’s journey and awaken within the dream.
I am a work in progress, a shapeshifter with many story tellers within, whose unique and varied expression becomes my living work of art.
Through creativity I explore my divinity. Through practicing my craft I heal the ancient wounds that I’ve come to liberate with the power of my love of beauty.
If this resonates with you, please join me. Comment, say hello!
No matter where you find yourself on the path of owning your power to create, may this place give you insight, humor and a sense of belonging, as we are always a Work in Progress. May this space support you in unearthing WHY you create… dissolving old blockages and self talk that keep you from feeling creatively satisfied or even creatively curious!
You were given the unique opportunity to embody a human vessel within which to sense this world through a fantastically specific set of parameters. You were born with an imagination that can never be cloned or artificially reproduced. Your imagination and creative expression (whether you know it or not) is your personal contribution to the cosmic DNA~ the akashic records, the lineage of humanity, and it is
How you metabolize your experience informs all of life…
so you might as well make it beautiful, eh?
And that is what it means to be a work in progress in a participatory universe; you have to play to win. You are not who you were, and you’re not who you’re becoming. You are a shapeshifter experimenting with the color palate of all that life’s richness has to offer.
You are a work of living art.
Will you un-censor your heart and pursue your creativity as a commitment to self liberation?
The name of my Work in Progress is Adey Bell. She is the creator of Wishcraft, a live musical odyssey that harnesses Divination and Music, ritualizing our re-enchantment with the world.
She is the creator of Venus Exalted, a goth-classical ensemble of epic mugicians (music/magic) serving up original compositions of beauty, truth and magic.
And this is her latest - Work In Progress, a community of creators pursuing art as an act of self liberation. Or is it self love? Or is it self realization…???
Behind the curtains
As a paid subscriber you’ll get personal and un-censored juice from the depths of this Work in Progress- yours truly, full access to my interviews with radical and amazing WIP’s, as well as writing/ritual prompts for the Seasonal and Moonthly vibes. And whatever else I feel like tossing into the cauldron. I do take requests.
Be part of this beautiful community of souls who are devoted to their creation as a spiritual channel. These are some incredible folks.
I truly hope that this offering enriches your life and emboldens your heart to reveal a bit more of itself to the world.
To read my full bio, learn about my services as an Oracle and listen to all my music, hop on over to
In service to your magic,
-Adey Bell